Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Donkey And a Rope

A donkey was tied to a rope six feet long. A bale of hay was 18 feet away and the donkey wanted to eat the hay. How could he do it?

Well, the rope was tied to donkey at one end but tied to nothing on other end. So he can just easily reach the hay!

Monday, June 29, 2015

Matchstick Equation

Currently, the matchsticks are forming the shape of equation


We know that's not true...
Maybe this is the solution!


Now you know where to move the matches right?

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Logical Insurance Agent!

A man would like to take a new health insurance. An officer taking care of these matters says to the man: "Please tell me how many children you have." The man answers: "I have three of them." The officer: "What are the ages of your children?". The man answers: "The product of the ages is equal to 36." The officer replies: "This is not enough information Sir!". "Sorry that I was a little bit unclear, but the sum of the ages is equal to the number of shops in front of your office," says the man. The officer: "This still isn't enough information Sir!". The man replies: "My oldest child loves chocolate." The officer: "Thanks for your cooperation, I now know the ages." 
Are you as smart as the officer? Then give the ages of the children.

The product of the ages is 36. Using this one can make the following combination of ages:

1,36, 1 sum = 38
1,18, 2 sum = 22
1,12, 3 sum = 16
1, 9, 4 sum = 14
1, 6, 6 sum = 13
2, 9, 2 sum = 13
2, 6, 3 sum = 11
3, 3, 4 sum = 10

After the man had said that the product of the ages is equal to 36, the officer didn't have enough information. Then he was told that the sum is equal to number of shops in front of the office. He replied by saying that this still isn't enough information. So the sum of the ages should be 13, because otherwise he would have known the ages immediately. The last statement is that that the oldest child loves chocolate. So there is an oldest child. Hence the officer concludes that the ages of the children are 2, 2 and 9 years.

Shapes puzzle

Find out which of the figures (1), (2), (3) and (4) can be formed from the pieces given in figure (X).



If teapot A holds 32 ounces of tea, about how many ounces does teapot B hold?

16 ounces (about half of pot A).  The amount of tea that can be kept within each pot is determined by the height of the spout opening.  The tea level cannot rise above the spout opening since any extra tea would merely spill out from the spout.  A simple visual estimate would conclude that the spout of teapot B is approximately half the height of that of teapot A, therefore providing only half of the capacity, or 16 ounces.