Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Here you have a few fun brain exer­cises to train our atten­tion and work­ing mem­ory (the abil­ity to keep infor­ma­tion cur­rent for a short period while using this infor­ma­tion). Given them a try! They are not as easy as they may sound…
  1. Say the days of the week back­wards, then in alpha­bet­i­cal order.
  2. Say the months of the year in alpha­bet­i­cal order. Easy? well, why don’t you try doing so back­wards, in reverse alpha­bet­i­cal order.
  3. Find the sum of your date of birth, mm/dd/yyyy. Want more exer­cise? Do the same with friends’ and rel­a­tives’ date of birth.
  4. Name two objects for every let­ter in your com­plete name. Work up to five objects, try­ing to use dif­fer­ent items each time.
  5. Wher­ever you are, look around and within two min­utes, try to find 5 red things that will fit in your pocket, and 5 blue objects that are too big to fit.

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